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    List of Courses offered by Arthur Jarvis University

    List of Courses Offered by Arthur Jarvis university

    Faculty of Natural and Applied Sciences
    Department  –   Programme
    Biological Sciences:
    • B.Sc. Biology
    • B.Sc. Microbiology
    Chemical Sciences:   
    • B.Sc. Chemistry
    • B.Sc. Biochemistry
    Mathematics and Computer Sciences:    
    • B.Sc. Mathematics
    • B.Sc. Computer Science
    • B.Sc. Physics
    Earth Sciences:   
    • B.Sc. Geology
    • B.Sc. Applied Geophysics
    Faculty of Humanities, Management and Social Sciences

    Department   –  Programme
    Languages and Linguistics:    
    • B.A. English
    Accounting and Banking & Finance:    
    • B.Sc. Accounting
    • B. Sc. Banking & Finance
    Business Administration:   
    • B.Sc. Business Administration
    • B. Sc. Entrepreneurial Studies
    • B.Sc. Economics
    Political Sciences:    
    • B.Sc. Political Science

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